Escape the Mundane + Experience the Remarkable

About Bradley Gauthier

On July 28th, 2011 I gave away most everything I owned, moved from my four-bedroom house, and ventured out to see the world. And having grown up on a tiny Indian Reservation in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, I have a lot to see!

Bradley Gauthier

I am passionate about social psychology, the environment, photography, minimalism, technology, and life experiments. I love golfing, fishing, darts, hiking, and constant learning through books, people, & life experiences. And if you want to get me really talkative, ask me about economics, cosmology, music, sports cars, business, 21st Century education, or the future of technology.

My lifetime goal is to improve the lives of as many people as possible and to make the world a better place for future generations.

Allons! Whoever you are, come travel with me!
~ Walt Whitman, Song of the Open Road

I hope you will join me in the search for an ideal lifestyle. As I cannot, nor would not, go it alone. Instead, we can travel this path together.

So please, join me in my community… a remarkable life awaits!

A Little Background on Myself

I’m a 26-year-old serial entrepreneur in the fields of software development, education, real estate, and marketing.

Most of my ventures were created over the past decade through a mixture of my youthful ignorance, creativity, and an urge to make money. But trust me, I didn’t get to where I am without a passion to improve the lives of people around me and an ability to fulfill the underserved needs of others… both matched with a shit ton of hard work!

I plan to leave a legacy through New Methods, a research center I co-founded with Greg Hartle. Our team is dedicated to confronting the challenges of modern-day life.

Our first solution release is Academy on the Go. An education software company created for busy people to become lifelong learners. My day to day role is of chief software architect. And we have BIG goals, stay tuned!

How I Got Here

I first became an entrepreneur in 1998 at the tender age of 12 when I created a tech-handyman company, quickly followed by launching a website design firm. And in the dot-com era business-was-a-booming!

But unfortunately in 2004 I closed the doors when I falsely followed the preconceived notions of a normal life and went to college. I graduated in 2007 with a background in business, psychology and economics. Unfortunately, having accrued over $70,000 in student loan debt, college has resulted in one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

Adding injury to insult, I further got sidetracked when I sat inside a corporate cubicle for a little over a year.

For those few years I had lost focus on what was important to me. And consequently, life was shitty.

That was, until 2008 when I quit my job, refocused my vision and created an Internet marketing firm. And again, business-was-a-booming. In turn, I launched a handful of other businesses, all extremely lucrative.

But as the years went by, and my multiple businesses became more of a job than a lifestyle, I could foresee a horrible road destined for me. And while these “jobs” weren’t in a cubicle, they still sucked the life out of me.

Giving It All Away

As I mentioned above, after saying enough is enough, I gave away most of my worldly material possessions.

From my beloved couch to my always exciting beer-pong ping-pong table – not to mention the multitude of clothes, appliances and other crap I had accumulated along the way – it all had to go.

My greatest skill has been to want little.
~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden

I now have very little. A few pairs of clothes, a handful of technologies, and an urge to see the world.

In essence, I am a vagabond… but with a twist. I call it a Digital Nomad lifestyle.

I am restructuring my existing businesses to become travel friendly as well as launching a couple other fun new projects.

This blog will serve as an unfiltered chronicle of my adventures as a digital nomad.

You can also connect with me on Twitter & Google+. (Be sure to say hi!)

I hope you will join me as I travel, experiment, and search for ways to improve the lives of as many people as possible.

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